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16 Maret 2009

11 Weird hidden Habits

In response to a desire that special time, most people will create a unique way that eventually become habits. Meet in practice it will show feeling happy and take pride and relief cause. Each person usually has one or two unique and strange habits that do themselves, the quiet and often without conscious (conditioned). Habits that can be considered funny by others - may also be revolting - but a need that can not be abandoned by perpetrators. Strange customs and unique this is the result of the following observations and interviews with some of the respondents concealed. Perhaps one of the practices that are owned by you,just check this out

1. Check the bathroom, side chest, the bottom of the bed or pages outside the room window before going to bed at night. This is because there are feelings of worry and fear of the bogeyman, or the dark shadow of being creepy in places like that.

2. Dirt nose clean (pick one's nose), ear, navel, or komedo squeeze pimple, and sometimes smell baunya.

3. Bite finger nails hands. There is a more "powerful" again with a toenail!

4. Eating is not in place that should, like the stairs, sit at the window, or sitting in the middle of the door.

5. Talking with the pets.

6. Before leaving for work or sleep the night before to see the goods collection time, although it is already doing in tens times.

7. Mencabuti hair on the body part that is hidden, as in the axilla and the other.

8. Talking to the shadow of self-change or change in the face mimic mirror.

9. Smell the smell of their own, especially in certain areas of the body that often sweaty, clothes that are used or second-hand shoes and new socks removed. 10. Clean dirt body (mounting), while watching TV, and others.

11. Lick the plates, bowls or spoons after meal.

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:)) ;)) ;;) :D ;) :p :(( :) :( :X =(( :-o :-/ :-* :| 8-} :)] ~x( :-t b-( :-L x( =))

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